Do you like beer?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Now pitching...

Ninkasi Brewing yeast being pitched into 'The Ginger'

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Friday, March 12, 2010

New Beer!

I'm 50 min into the hour long boil of my newest batch, a red ale called 'The Ginger', in honor of all the red-heads that have no souls. It's early indicators give it 7-7.9% abv and it already has a lovely auburn color to it. I was graced with some yeast from Ninkasi Brewing thanks to my former coworker Steve who is a salesman for them. He's also promised to "make sure we're taken care of" when I bring Kender over for a tour and some beers, especially if their expansion is complete by then. HUZZAH!!! Back to the boil!